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Pre-press Check

Pre-press Checks For FREE

When you supply us with a print ready pdf, we will check this list for free and advise if action is required.

Are the fonts embedded?
If not and we have them we will embed them for you. In some cases we may need you to create outlines or curves of the fonts to eliminate the need for fonts.

Is colour space is CMYK?
If not we will convert your file to CMYK, though some colours may look not look as bright.

Are the Page Boxes set up?
If not we will correctly set all the page boxes, e.g., trim and bleed.

Are there trim marks?
If not we will set trim marks based on the trim box information.

Is your black text set to overprint?
If not we will fix it.

Does your white text knock out?
If not we will fix it.

Is your PDF setup correctly with Bleed?
If not we will create bleed on vector objects and mirror images touching the trim, or less than 0.5 mm from the trim to create bleed if possible.

Is there an output intent set?
We will remove any output intent settings and configure for our Indigo presses.

Has your PDF been created from an Office Application?
We will clean up RBG text to make it 100% black.

Does your PDF contain hyperlinks or form fields?
We will flatten hyperlinks and form fields to ensure they print.

Is your page count correct?
If not will will contact you.

Is your page width and height correct or proportionality scaled?
If not we will contact you.

Are there Images with a resolution below 72dpi?
If so we will contact you as this is considered low quality.

If we haven't covered your query above please contact us via live chat or email.